Thursday, April 15, 2010
ArcGIS Desktop Tutorials
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Release 9.3
Last modified April, 15, 2008 E-mail This Topic Give Us Feedback
ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Extensions come with tutorials and tutorial data to help you learn to use the software. You can use the links below to open PDF versions of the tutorials, or to view animations based on the tutorials.
ArcGIS Desktop Tutorials
The following tutorials are available in PDF format or as short animation files. To view the PDFs you need a copy of Adobe Reader, which you can download free from
The tutorial data is available on the ArcGIS installation media. If the tutorial data has been installed on your system, look for it in C:\arcgis\ArcTutor (the default install location).
To view the animations you need the Adobe Flash Player which you can download free from
Tutorial Description Link
Getting Started In this tutorial you'll see how to explore data with ArcCatalog, add data to ArcMap, explore and symbolize data on a map, add elements to a map layout, and print a map.
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Animation in ArcMap In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create temporal animations. You’ll play the animations in the ArcMap display and in a chart to show data changing through time. You’ll also learn how to export the animations to video. Read the tutorial
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ArcCatalog In this tutorial you'll learn how to explore geographic data and its attributes, view and create metadata, modify data properties, add and delete attributes, and link geographic features to attributes stored in separate tables. Read the tutorial
ArcMap In this tutorial you'll learn how to display map features, add data to your map, edit geographic data, work with data tables, query and select geographic features, create a summary graph, and lay out and print a map Read the tutorial
ArcReader In this tutorial you'll learn how to view, explore, and print published maps. Read the tutorial
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ArcSDE Database Servers In this tutorial you will learn how to: add a database server and connect to it; add users and administer their permissions; create geodatabases and add data to them; administer database servers. Database servers are used to store, access, and administer ArcSDE Personal and Workgroup geodatabases. Read the tutorial
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Building Geodatabases In this tutorial you'll learn to build geodatabases that include relationship classes, subtypes, attribute domains, topology, geometric networks, feature-linked annotation, and dimension features. An ArcEditor or ArcInfo license is required to complete the tutorial. Read the tutorial
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Editing GIS Features In this tutorial you'll learn the basics of the editing environment in ArcMap including creating new geographic data and input features using a digitizer; editing topological features; updating attributes to geographic and tabular data; performing spatial adjustments on your data; and creating and editing annotation. Read the tutorial
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Editing Geodatabases In this tutorial you'll be introduced to advanced geodatabase concepts such as relationship classes, subtypes, attribute domains, topology, geometric networks, feature-linked annotation, and dimension features in the context of editing a sample geodatabase. An ArcEditor or ArcInfo license is required to complete the tutorial. Read the tutorial
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Geocoding In this tutorial you'll learn how to create and managing address locators and how to use them to find the location of an individual address or table of addresses. Read the tutorial
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Geoprocessing In this tutorial you'll learn how to create new information by processing existing data with geoprocessing tools. Read the tutorial
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Linear Referencing In this tutorial you'll learn how to create, manage, display, query, and analyze data whose relative position has been modeled along a linear feature. Read the tutorial
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Representations In this tutorial, you will be introduced to representations which allow you to symbolize geographic features with a set of rules that are stored with your data in the geodatabase. Representation rules can create and draw dynamic geometry that differs from the feature shape, allowing a complex depiction of features without impacting the spatial integrity of your data. Representations provide greater control over the precision and definition of the symbolization of your data. Read the tutorial
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ArcGIS Desktop Extension Tutorials
The following tutorials are available in PDF format or as short animation files.
Tutorial Description Link
3D Analyst In this tutorial you'll learn how to drape images and features over a terrain surface, extrude points and polygons, interpolate a surface from points, build a TIN from features, create an animation, and navigate in ArcScene and ArcGlobe. Read the tutorial
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ArcGIS Publisher In this tutorial you'll learn how to create, share, and distribute published maps. Read the tutorial
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ArcScan for ArcGIS In this tutorial you'll learn how to generate vector data from rasters, including how to use the cell selection and raster snapping tools, perform simple raster editing and automatic vectorization, and interactively trace raster cells. Read the tutorial
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Data Interoperability In this tutorial, you will learn how to directly read and analyze the additional data formats supported by Data Interoperability; translate data between various formats using Quick Import and Quick Export tools; transform data schemas using Custom Import, Custom Export and Custom Formats; and incorporate all these functions into your geoprocessing models. Read the tutorial
Geostatistical Analyst In this tutorial you'll learn how to represent and explore data and determine data trends; perform diagnostic tests on data; choose and fit a model such as kriging, cokriging, IDW, and others; and compare the results of different models. Read the tutorial
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Maplex for ArcGIS In this tutorial you'll learn how to design and create publication-quality cartographic labels for maps using the Maplex for ArcGIS extension. Read the tutorial
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Network Analyst In this tutorial you'll learn how to create network datasets and use them to find routes; find closest features on a network; calculate service areas; as well as how to build a model for route analysis. Read the tutorial
Schematics Tutorial In this tutorial you will become familiar with the Schematics graphical user interface in ArcMap by learning how to create diagrams and use many of the toolbar tools to modify the diagrams. Read the tutorial
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Schematics Designer Tutorial I In this tutorial you will learn how to create and configure a Schematic Dataset that will use a Standard Builder diagram type to generate diagrams based on a geometric network. Read the tutorial
Schematics Designer Tutorial II In this tutorial you will learn how to create and configure a Schematic Dataset that will use a Custom Query Builder diagram type to generate diagrams based on tabular data from any database where connectivity between objects can be derived. Read the tutorial
Schematics Designer Tutorial III In this tutorial you will learn how to create and configure a Schematic Dataset that will use a XML Builder diagram type to generate diagrams from XML documents; these documents will be built according to the XMLBuilderDiagram XML Schema Definition file. Read the tutorial
Spatial Analyst In this tutorial you'll learn how to create, query, and analyze cell-based raster maps, derive new information from existing data, query information across multiple data layers, and fully integrate cell-based raster data with traditional vector data sources. Read the tutorial
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StreetMap In this tutorial you'll learn how to use the StreetMap Find Route dialog with the Data & Maps StreetMap USA dataset to find an address, geocode an address table, export map data, as well as to create simple or optimized routes with detailed driving directions. Read the tutorial
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Survey Analyst - Cadastral Editor In this tutorial you will learn how to create, manage, and edit a cadastral fabric. Read the tutorial
Survey Analyst - Survey Editor In this tutorial you'll learn how to import and export survey data, organize and visualize survey data, use measurements and coordinates in computations, edit features based on survey data, and perform survey network analysis. Read the tutorial
Tracking Analyst In this tutorial you'll learn how to add, symbolize, display, and analyze temporal data in a powerful geographic information system environment. Read the tutorial
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